If you are planning to conceive in the next 2 years, a thyroid check should be on your priority list!
And by thyroid check I mean not just TSH (which is probably all that your doctor has ordered).
We need to test your TSH, T3, T4 and thyroid antibodies as a minimum, to really get a good picture of what is going on. This test is of great value if there is suspicion of either an under or over active thyroid or autoimmune picture, and costs around $200. This test can be organised through a nutritionist, & independently of your GP.
The thyroid is a tiny gland at the base of your neck responsible producing hormones that control energy production, body temperature, metabolism, blood pressure and very importantly, the development of the foetus.
Both an underactive & overactive thyroid can affect fertility in the following ways:
Disruption of the menstrual cycle, especially making the luteal phase shorter
Interference with the release of an egg from the ovaries (ovulation)
Difficulties during fertilisation & the implantation of the egg
Increased risk of early miscarriage
Increased risk of premature birth
Symptoms of your thyroid may need to be investigated :
Difficulty losing weight or unexplained weight gain
Mood changes - depression, nervousness, irritability
Increased sensitivity to the cold or heat
Irregular heartbeat
Constipation or diarrhoea
Menstrual symptoms
Hair loss and thinning
What can affect your thyroid and its functions?
Toxin exposure (endocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceuticals, alcohol)
Fluoride (tap water, toothpastes)
Poor gut health & digestive issues
Plant based diets
Liver congestion
Under eating
Over exercising
Poor quality vitamins & supplements
Prescribing your own vitamins & supplements without correct guidance from your nutritionist
Gluten intolerance or coeliac disease
Nutrient deficiencies
Chronic stress
Your thyroid health can be supported and optimised using diet, lifestyle & nutritional supplements.